1 Feenics Administration

1.1 Introduction

Connecting SAFR SCAN Facial Recognition readers with Feenics will allow SAFR SCAN to be managed through Feenics cloud from any Feenics Desktop, Web or Mobile client, synchronized people between Feenics and all connected SAFR SCAN devices, and aggregate and review events in Feenics cloud.

For complete SAFR and SAFR SCAN documentation please visit http://docs.real.com.

1.2 Integration Overview and Requirements

This guide specifically describes:

  1. Download and Install Feenics Desktop Client
  2. Connect SAFR SCAN to Feenics Cloud
  3. Configure the SAFR SCAN readers through Feenics Desktop
  4. Add/View Person records in either Feenics or SAFR SCAN
  5. View events in Feenics

This document does not describe usage of the Feenics Web or Mobile clients but the functionality is similar.

A typical integration architecture:

A diagram of a cloud

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1.2.1 Attribute mapping between Feenics and SAFR

The following is the current imported and supported attributes/field from Feenics



Person / First and Last Name

Person / First and Last Name

Person / Identification Photo

Person / Identity Image

Credential / Access Card ID

Person / Access Card ID

Controller / Card Format

Reader / Access Card Format

Card Format / Facility code

Person / Facility ID

Card Number

Access Card ID

Person / Access Level

Person / Access Clearance

1.2.2 System Requirements

SAFR SCAN connects directly to Feenics cloud. No additional hardware or software is required to run the SAFR Feenics integration.

1.2.3 Feenics Licensing

SAFR SCAN is sold through Acre. A license for each SAFR SCAN reader from Acre is required. No additional license or software is required from SAFR.

1.3 Connect SAFR SCAN Readers

1.3.1 Sign into Feenics Client

To sign into the Feenics Windows application, you need the following information. This information is account specific and should be obtained from your Acre representative.

  • Server Address (safr.us.feenics.com)
  • Instance Name
  • Username
  • Password

1.3.2 Add a SAFR SCAN Controller

To connect a reader, you need to first add a Controller to Feenics. Then you can sign into Feenics from the SAFR SCAN Web Console.

Add Controller

  1. Open SAFR SCAN Web Console. See SAFR SCAN Quick Start at https://docs.real.com for more information.
  2. Go to System > Network.
  3. Copy the MAC Address
    A screenshot of a computer

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  4. Open Feenics Client
  5. Go to Hardware Provisioning > Controllers
  6. Choose Add Controller > SAFR Controller
    A screenshot of a computer

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  7. Enter the following at the minimum
    1. Display Name
    2. Mac Address (from above)
    3. Time Zone

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  1. Save and all settings will be applied to that reader.

1.3.3 Connect a Reader

  1. Open SAFR SCAN Web Console
  2. Go to System > SAFR Server
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  3. Enter safr.us.feenics.com in the following dialog as shown. Obtain the User Identifier and Password from your Feenics representative.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  4. Check for status OK on the resulting screen. If needed the "Edit Server Connection Settings" can be used to reenter connection settings.
    A screenshot of a computer

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1.4 Feenics Configuration

1.4.1 Settings

Settings for SAFR SCAN are divided into three groups

  • Managed settings - Edited through Feenics clients.
  • Unmanaged settings - Edited through SAFR SCAN Web Console only while disconnected. These are less commonly used settings that are generally modified once (before connecting) but can be modified at any time.
  • Console only Settings - Edited through SAFR SCAN Web Console. These are settings that are specific to each device and generally only set during initial configuration.

Most settings are configured through the Feenics applications. Some settings are unmanaged which requires setting these in the SAFR SCAN Web Console before connecting to Feenics. You can also modify these settings by disconnecting, making needed changes and reconnecting.

1.4.2 Managed Settings

To modify managed settings:

  1. Go to Hardware Provisioning > Controllers
  2. Choose Add Controller > SAFR Controller
  3. Enter the following at the minimum
    1. Display Name
    2. Mac Address (from above)
    3. Time Zone
  4. Save and all settings will be applied to that reader.

Please refer to Feenics documentation for more information.

1.4.3 Unmanaged Settings

To edit unmanaged settings:

  1. Disconnect SAFR SCAN from the Feenics service
    A screenshot of a computer

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  2. Make the changes needed (See list of settings below)
  3. Then reconnect SAFR SCAN to Feenics.

Following are a list of unmanaged properties. Only these settings will be retained when reconnecting back to Feenics.

  • Tailgating
  • Sound Settings
  • Monitoring
    • Enable/Disable age and gender
  • Camera
    • Exposure mode
    • White light level
    • IR Level
  • Image
    • Brightness
    • Contrast
    • Color saturation
    • Sharpness
  • Display
    • Display brightness
    • Display image when inactive
    • LED Color (all)
    • Display Messages (all)
    • Attendance
  • Update Firmware

1.4.4 Console only settings

Some settings are only configurable through SAFR SCAN Web Console. These are listed below.


  • SAFR Server – Used to connect the reader to SAFR Server or Cloud.
  • Video Streams – Configure RTSP outputs.
  • Network – Configure device network interface.
  • OSDP – Modify OSDP Input and output settings.
  • Date and Time – Configure device date/time.
  • Reset – Reset device to factory defaults.


  • Login & Access – Controls HTTP and RTSP access settings
  • SSL – Manage self-signed or public authority certificates
  • 802.1x – Set up 802.1x authentication settings
  • Firewall - Define allow/deny rules for connections to reader.

1.4.5 Access Levels to Access Clearance Mapping

When working with SAFR SCAN, each Feenics user should be assigned one Access Level that contains a single SAFR SCAN Reader only. If a person is assigned an Access Level with more than 1 SAFR Reader or multile Access Levels containing SAFR Readers, only one of the Access Levels is applied for that user and person record will not be distributed on all readers.

More details about assigning Access Levels can be found in Distributing People with Feenics at https://docs.real.com/access/integrations/feenics/articles/index.html.

1.4.6 Card Formats

When working with SAFR SCAN, each SAFR SCAN Controller can be assigned one Access Card Format only. SAFR SCAN supports only one Card Format per reader. The card format is assigned to the reader and so all persons using that reader must use the same Card Format. This is true whether using the internal card reader on SAFR SCAN RF models or using an external card reader connected through SAFR SCAN's Wiegand or OSDP inputs.

If the Facility ID on a Card Format is changed after adding people who are associated with that card format, then those person records must be updated in order to force the updated Facility Code to be updated in SAFR.

1.4.7 Card Credentials

When working with SAFR SCAN, each Feenics user should be assigned one Access Card only. SAFR SCAN supports only one credential per person. When migrating a person record to SAFR SCAN, only one Access Card ID is added to SAFR. There is no way to define which Feenics Access Card will be added.

When a person record is added to SAFR SCAN, only the Access Card ID is copied to Feenics. The Access Card Facility ID in the SAFR person record is ignored.

2 SAFR – Feenics Operation Guide

2.1 Feenics Applications

Feenics applications is used to connect SAFR SCAN readers, configure those readers, manage people and view events. These tools will not be further described here beyond what was documented above.

2.2 SAFR SCAN Web Console

SAFR SCAN Web Console allows management of a single reader. It serves the following purposes when used with Feenics:

  • Initial connection to Feenics Service
  • Adjusting unmanaged settings as described above.
  • Viewing live activity on the reader for purposes of configuration and troubleshooting.

See SAFR SCAN Web Console for details on using this tool.

2.3 Synchronizing People

2.3.1 Add/edit users

Person synchronization is automatic. Person records and their credentials are copied from Feenics to all SAFR SCAN devices connected to your Feenics account. Synchronization is bidirectional and occurs continually in the background.

SAFR will synchronize people and credentials as follows:

  • At initial connection time, all records pre-existing in Feenics are copied to SAFR.
  • From then on:
    • Records added to Feenics are copied to all SAFR SCAN readers.
    • Records added to a SAFR SCAN are copied to Feenics (and then down to all readers).
  • Changes to records In Feenics are updated in SAFR and vice versa.
  • Only records with access credentials or an image will be copied to SAFR.
  • Removing credentials and the image in the Feenics results in the record being removed from SAFR and vice versa.
  • Setting record to inactive in Feenics removes the record from SAFR.

Below describes the process.

1. Add a person in Feenics.

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When enrolling faces in Feenics, make sure to crop the image to show the face with a 25% padding on all sides of the face. The image should be clear and face looking directly at the camera. Please refer to SAFR SCAN documentation for guidelines on image quality for best face matching results.

2. Add credentials in Feenics

3. That person record and the corresponding credentials are be copied to SAFR and viewable in SAFR Person Window.

Questions or comments about the documentation? Email us at safr-doc-feedback@realnetworks.com .