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SAFR Surveilance
Record RTSP Streams
How to change camera FPS by RTSP URL
Recognition in Low Light Conditions
What cameras does SAFR Support?
SAFR Desktop Client
Importing Faces From a Video Clip
How can I lock and unlock the SAFR screen in the iPhone SAFR client?
SAFR Video Processing Modes
Image Quality Metrics
How To Monitor GPU Utilization with nvidia-smi
If I change my GPU, do I need to re-install SAFR Server or the NVidia drivers?
Do I need to use NVidia brand video cards, or can I use NVidia cards from other manufacturers such as ASUS or ZOTAC?
Detect if GPU is throttling
How do I update my NVidia driver?
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How accurate is SAFR?
Does SAFR inform match probability?
Can SAFR scale to a large number of faces?
Can SAFR maintain a count of people located in a certain area?
Will SAFR match the same person at different stages of life or with variations like different hair styles or wearing glasses?
View all 36
SAFR Web Console
How do I Access the Web Console?
How to tune occupancy counting accuracy
What is Web Console Session Timeout?
Can SAFR do badge detection?
Does SAFR support QR code detection?
What is face-person association?
How does SAFR perform people counting?
How to interpret face coordinates in Event
Video Recognition Gateway (VIRGO)
Save and Restore VIRGO Settings
Handling Video Feed Failover
Creating and updating feeds from the Camera Analyzer
What is VIRGO?
Process files with VIRGO video feeds
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How do I ensure the accuracy of detected faces?
If a subject wears glasses, should they be registered with or without their glasses?
How do I automatically learn people?
How can I reduce false positive recognition for masked faces?
How do I search for an enrolled person?
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SAFR Actions
How To Handle No Match with Badges in SAFR Actions
Export Event Data
How to display dynamic messages on screen
How to trigger a script with SAFR actions
Controlling Door Locks
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Mask Detection
Does SAFR recognize if subjects have glasses and hats in addition to masks?
Does SAFR recognize subjects inside a vehicle?
If a person registers with a mask, will that have a significant negative impact on recognition when the person isn't wearing a mask?
When max occlusion is set to 1, occlusion is no longer being reported; only masks are. Is this expected?
Can mask detection work without occlusion detection being enabled?
View all 15
VMS Integrations
How to Limit Cardholder Groups Synced with Genetec
Milestone Tips and Tricks
Can I create a public link to a report or dashboard?
VMS Integration Functionality
Genetec Integration: Invalid TLS certificate error
Data Privacy
How does SAFR protect data?
What data does SAFR store?
What database does SAFR use, and is its data encrypted?
Are the communications between cameras and devices encrypted? If so, with what?
What data is being transferred between cameras SAFR Servers to perform video processing?
View all 11
Will SAFR Server work if on an isolated network?
How often does SAFR Server update its license status with the Licensing Server?
What counts towards the 1MM queries per month limit for SAFR Cloud Licenses?
Performing Offline Licensing for SAFR Platform
Why do I get "Number of connected sources exceed license"
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SAFR Deployment Best Practice
How much network bandwidth does SAFR require?
How to upgrade SAFR Cluster
Hardware Sizing Guidance
What are the system requirements for machines running SAFR components?
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How can I count the number of matched and non-matched events?
Why is SAFR isn't SAFR reporting people as stranger?
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